Online Course Catalog

Navigating Special Dietary Needs (ISBE-512)

CACFP sponsors may need to modify planned meals in order to accommodate participants with disabilities, medical needs or special dietary needs. The course summarizes the responsibilities sponsors have when accommodating participants’ meal requests. The course also discusses medical statements, meal pattern requirements, and accommodating non-disabling special dietary needs.

Nutrition Basics for Better CACFP Menu Planning (ISBE-502)

Once you have the CACFP meal pattern compliance mastered, the next step in planning CACFP meals is making sure you cover all the basic nutrition needs. In this one hour session, participants will learn the importance of where the CACFP meal pattern comes from and how to incorporate basic nutrition into CACFP menu planning mastery.

Menu Building Basics: Utilizing CN Labels and USDA Recipes to Build a Cycle Menu (ISBE-522)

In this course, participants will learn to recognize the 6 key indicators for a CN Label is, what a product formulation statement is, and how to use them to build a cycle menu. In addition, participants will explore the vast resources of USDA Standardized recipes, and will learn how to scale these recipes and products to fit their production needs. Lastly, participants will understand the basics of record retention and what documentation would be needed to support food production records, if required by their state.

ISBE-614 Cover Image

General Recordkeeping and Recordkeeping for Emergency Shelters (ISBE-614)

This course focuses on general CACFP recordkeeping requirements in lesson 1. In lesson 2, recordkeeping requirements for Outside School Hours Care Centers is discussed more specifically. The course addresses program eligibility, operational requirements, enrollment, participant eligibility, and miscellaneous recordkeeping requirements.

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General Recordkeeping and Outside-School-Hours Care Centers Recordkeeping (ISBE-613)

This course focuses on general CACFP recordkeeping requirements in lesson 1. In lesson 2, recordkeeping requirements for Outside School Hours Care Centers is discussed more specifically. The course addresses program eligibility, operational requirements, enrollment, participant eligibility, and miscellaneous recordkeeping requirements.

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General Recordkeeping and Child Care Centers and Head Start Recordkeeping (ISBE-611)

This course focuses on general CACFP recordkeeping requirements in lesson 1. In lesson 2 recordkeeping for Child Care Centers and Head Start programs will be discussed. The course addresses program eligibility, operational requirements, enrollment, participant eligibility, and miscellaneous recordkeeping requirements.

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General Recordkeeping and At-Risk Afterschool Meals Program Recordkeeping (ISBE-612)

This course focuses on general CACFP recordkeeping requirements in lesson 1. In lesson 2, recordkeeping for At-Risk Afterschool Meals Programs is discussed more specifically. The course addresses program eligibility, operational requirements, enrollment, participant eligibility, and miscellaneous recordkeeping requirements.

ISBE-602 Course Cover

CACFP Enrollment (ISBE-602)

This course covers the enrollment process for applicable programs, completed Enrollment Forms, and annual update requirements.

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Meal Counting, Claiming and Documentation (ISBE-604)

Submitting a claim for CACFP reimbursement requires detailed recordkeeping and preparation prior to the submission. This course reviews requirements related to point of service meal counts, attendance documentation, the edit check process, consolidation, and claim submission.

Eligibility Determination (ISBE-601)

Income Eligibility Forms (IEFs) or Income Eligibility Applications (IEAs) are required to determine the free, reduced-price, and paid eligibility categories for CACFP participants. This course reviews IEF/IEA requirements, demonstrates determining income eligibility, and discusses annual update requirements.

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Getting Everyone on the Same Plate: Teaching Teachers About the Child and Adult Care Food Program (ISBE-503)

This training is all about the Child and Adult Care Food Program or CACFP. The course covers topics such as what the CACFP program is and what it does, who is eligible to sponsor or offer the CACFP and which children are eligible to participate or receive meals through the program. In addition, the course covers CACFP meal patterns, how to accommodate children with disabilities that affect the diet and recordkeeping requirements that are important for everyone involved with the CACFP to be aware of – even teachers!

Civil Rights Training 2025 (ISBE-150)

Program institutions and facilities receiving federal financial assistance are required to comply with federal civil rights laws to ensure all Child Nutrition participants have equal access to all benefits and services. This course will review Civil Rights regulations, and provide all information necessary to ensure that your program is in compliance with these requirements.

CACFP Annual Sponsor Training (ISBE-110)

This course is designed for returning Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) sponsor staff, will review the regulations and procedures of the CACFP, and assist sponsors with regulatory compliance.

CACFP New Sponsor Training (ISBE-120)

The CACFP New Sponsor Training is designed to provide initial training for those who are new to the CACFP or for participating sponsors with new staff. The training includes important topics such as Civil Rights, Meal Service Planning, Recordkeeping, Financial Management, Documentation, and Responsibilities, Maintaining a Nonprofit Food Service Program and Program Oversight.